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Academic and Student Services

Student Concerns and Complaints

Information on how to report a concern or incident at MCW, including academic misconduct, discrimination or harassment, or other concerns. No concern is too small to be reported.

Our Commitment

The Office of Student Affairs is committed to supporting you during the entire reporting process. All reports made will be taken seriously and information will be shared with the appropriate offices for further investigation. We understand the challenges that come when deciding to report, so please do not hesitate to reach out to a member of the Office of Student Affairs for support and guidance. No person will be subject to any adverse action just because the person reports a concern.

Reporting a Concern or Incident

No concern, complaint or incident is too small to be reported and all reports will be evaluated and taken seriously.  管家婆王中王六肖中特does not discriminate in any manner contrary to law. All persons shall have equal access to all programs and facilities without regard to race, age, color, religion, national origin, sex, gender identity, disability, sexual orientation, veteran’s status or any other protected class. For more information on the Anti-Harassment and Non-Discrimination Policy, please refer to the 管家婆王中王六肖中特All Student Bulletin (PDF).

If the student is comfortable doing so, every attempt should be made to resolve the matter directly with the alleged offender.

If further action is required or as an alternative to working with the alleged offender, students may report a concern or incident at any time following the steps outlined below:

Option 1: Contact Student Affairs

Students may contact their respective school's Office of Student Affairs. Students who are uncomfortable filing a report through their respective school's Office of Student Affairs may file a report with Dr. Jennifer Kusch, 管家婆王中王六肖中特Assistant Provost for Student Affairs: (414) 955-4860 | jkusch@mcw.edu

Graduate School
Dr. Neil Hogg, (414) 955-4012 | nhogg@mcw.edu

Medical School
Central Wisconsin: Kelly Mulder, (715) 870-0915 | kmulder@mcw.edu
Green Bay: Kelly King, (920) 403-4500 | keking@mcw.edu
Milwaukee: Raj Narayan, MD, (414) 955-3636 | rnarayan@mcw.edu

Master of Science in Anesthesia Program
Daniel Garcia, (414) 955-5607 | dgarcia@mcw.edu

Pharmacy School
Sonia Escamilla, (414) 955-7476 | pharmacy@mcw.edu

Option 2: Submit a Concern

Students may always submit a complaint through the third-party 管家婆王中王六肖中特Reporting Hotline or Report Form. Reports made

Online Concern and Complaint Form: Students can submit concerns using the. Students should begin by selecting the type of complaint. If your concern is not listed or you are unsure where to direct your concern, you may select the “other” option and your concern will be reviewed and routed appropriately. Reports made using the form may be submitted anonymously.

24/7 Reporting Hotline: Students also have access to the EthicsPoint 24/7 Reporting Hotline at (844) 703-8171. Please note that EthicsPoint is not a 911 or Emergency Service.

Types of Concerns

  • Academic Misconduct

    Any form of unethical behavior that violates the integrity of the academic process, such as bestowing or seeking academic favors on the basis of friendship or gifts, concealing conflicts of interest, or deliberate failure to meet professional obligations.

  • Discrimination or Harassment

    Uninvited and unwelcome verbal or physical conduct directed at a student because of their sex, religion, ethnicity or beliefs. Examples: bias in education decisions, inappropriate language, etc. Use of retaliation or retribution.

  • Sexual Harassment, Violence or Threat

    The making of unwanted and offensive sexual advances or of sexually offensive remarks or acts, especially by one in a supervisory position. An expression of the intention to inflict evil, injury or damage to a person or their property.

  • Other

    Any concern that does not fit another category, such as study spaces or if you are concerned about another student. All concerns can be submitted and will be evaluated and routed appropriately.

How Concerns and Complaints are Handled

All reports made using the Report Form or through the Office of Students Affairs will be taken seriously and information will be shared with the appropriate offices for further investigation.

  1. A concern, complaint or incident is submitted through the Office of Student Affairs or the
  2. 管家婆王中王六肖中特will evaluate the concern. Reports will be acknowledged within 24 hours of submission.
  3. Immediate and appropriate action will be taken when it is determined that discrimination, harassment, or other misconduct has occurred. Each concern or incident is different. Appropriate action will be taken on a case by case basis and 管家婆王中王六肖中特offices and personnel will be engaged if necessary.
  4. If a student requests follow-up, a member of the Office of Student Affairs will be in contact.
  5. An official log of the incident will be made within the Office of Student Affairs and Compliance.

Support Resources

  • Public Safety

    For issues about physical safety, emergencies and crimes.

    Learn More
  • Student Health and Wellness

    For information on health and wellness resources, as well as mental health resources at MCW.

    Learn More
  • Student Inclusion and Diversity

    Consultation for issues relating to diversity, equity and inclusion.

    Learn More
  • Title IX - Sexual Misconduct

    For information related to sexual harassment, dating abuse and other Title IX concerns.

    Learn More